Redis install and configuration & troubleshoot
[This story only for developer]
To install and configure Redis for outside access on a Red Hat-based system, you can follow these steps:
- Install Redis: Use the following command to install Redis on your Red Hat-based system:
sudo yum install redis
2. Configure Redis: Once Redis is installed, you need to configure it to allow external access. Open the Redis configuration file using a text editor:
sudo vi /etc/redis.conf
3. Find the line that starts with “bind” and change it to:
or you can use your ip address here like bind
This will allow Redis to bind to all network interfaces and listen for incoming connections.
You can also change the default Redis port (6379) if you want by modifying the “port” line in the same configuration file.
4. Start Redis: Use the following command to start the Redis service:
sudo systemctl start redis
5. You can also enable Redis to start automatically at system boot with the following command:
sudo systemctl enable redis
6. Test Redis: You can test Redis by connecting to it from another system using the Redis CLI tool. Install Redis on another system if you haven’t already, and then run the following command:
redis-cli -h <ip_address_of_redis_server> -p 6379
Replace <ip_address_of_redis_server> with the IP address of your Redis server. If everything is configured correctly, you should be able to connect to Redis and execute Redis commands.
That’s it! You should now have Redis installed and configured for outside access on your Red Hat-based system.
Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue:
Check the Redis installation: Use the following command to check if Redis is installed on your system:
sudo yum list installed | grep redis
If Redis is not listed, you may need to reinstall Redis.
Check the Redis service: Use the following command to check if the Redis service is running:
sudo systemctl status redis
If Redis is not running, you can try starting the service with the following command:
sudo systemctl start redis
If you receive an error message, it may indicate an issue with the Redis installation or configuration.
Check the Redis configuration file: The Redis configuration file is usually located at /etc/redis.conf. Use the following command to check if the file exists:
ls /etc/redis.conf
Reinstall Redis: If you are still experiencing issues, you may need to reinstall Redis. Use the following command to remove Redis:
sudo yum remove redis
Then, reinstall Redis using the following command:
sudo yum install redis
Once Redis is reinstalled, you can try starting the service again and checking the configuration file.
If you are still experiencing issues after trying these steps, you may need to consult the Redis documentation or seek assistance from a system administrator or support team.